scaler |
The Scaler applies a scale, tonic and octave to incoming key press information.
The Scaler also deals with pitch bend within EigenD. There are two types of pitch bend - global pitch bend, which affects all currently playing notes, and k pitch bend, which allows individual pitch bend per key.
activation | input |
The Activation Input receives activation signals from upstream agents (often the Recorder).
pressure | input |
The pressure input receives key pressure signals from upstream agents.
roll | input |
The Roll Input receives key roll signals from upstream agents.
yaw | input |
The yaw input is receives key yaw signals from upstream agents.
controller | input |
The controller input is used to pass information from the upstream Keygroup to the scaler, effecting the[Keygroup]]'s courses, octave, scale and tonic.
key | input |
The key input receives information from the upstream Keygroup and stringer in order to produce monophonic behaviour.
k | pitch | bend | input |
The K Pitch Bend Input receives information from an EigenD controller (often the upstream roll output) to control pitch bend on a per key basis.
global | pitch | bend | input |
The Global Pitch Bend Input receives information from an EigenD controller (often the upstream strip controller output) to control pitch bend on a global basis.
k | bend | range | input |
The K Bend Range Input determines the amount of pitch bend (in semitones) for the K Pitch Bend input.
global | bend | range | input |
The Global Bend Range Input determines the amount of pitch bend (in semitones) for the Global Pitch Bend Input.
scale | input |
The scale input is normally used to set the scale of your Scaler to any predefined Belcanto scale or to a user defined scale.
tonic | input |
The tonic input sets the tonic of the scale
0 = C, 1 = C#, 2 = D, 3 = D#, 4 = E, 5 = F, 6 = F#, 7 = G, 8 = G#, 9 = A, 10 = A#, 11 = or 12 = C.
octave | input |
The ocatve input sets the desired ocatve
base | note | input |
The base note input is an offset from the tonic, to allow you to start your current Keygroup from a note other than the tonic.
override |
The port override function allows you to play in different scales, keys and octaves in various areas of the keyboard.
If the keygroup has a scale, tonic and octave set, this overrides the scaler scale. You can in turn override the Keygroup scale by setting override within the scaler.
relative | octave | input |
The relative octave input allows you to offset an instrument (in ocatves) from the other instruments in that keygroup.
curve |
The pitch bend curve parameter can also be set within the Scaler. There are four available curves: linear, quadratic, cubic and step. This is represented by a number between 1 and 4 - 1 represents linear, 2 represents quadratic, 3 represents cubic and 4 represents step. In basic terms this allows you to apply an adjustment to the pitch bend values with varying degrees of severity.
activation | output |
The activation output is normally used to send activation information to downstream Agents.
pressure | output |
The pressure output is used to send key pressure information to downstream Agents.
roll | output |
The roll output is used to send key roll information to downstream Agents.
yaw | output |
The yaw output is used to send key yaw information to downstream Agents.
scale | note | output |
The scale note output sends scale note information to downstream Agents.
frequency | output |
The frequency output sends the frequency information produced by the scaler to downstream Agents (e.g. oscillators).
choose |
'Choose' is used in the Scaler as a synonym for 'Set' - please use the examples containing 'Set' below as the use of 'Choose' will be discontinued.
Before using the commands below, make sure you have the desired scaler in the conversation using:
scaler | X | listen |
where X is the number of your desired scaler.
To set the Scaler scale using Belcanto:
scale | to | X | set |
where X is the name of a Belcanto scale, e.g.
scale | to | major | set |
To set the tonic/key of your instrument via the scaler, the general Belcanto format would be:
tonic | to | noteX | set |
where X is your Belcanto tonic, eg.
tonic | to | notecsharp | set |
To set the octave of your Scaler, the general Belcanto format is:
octave | to | X | set |
where X corresponds to the octave your tonic would be if it were a MIDI note, e.g. A4 would be 440Hz - the octave would be 4.
To set the base note in the scaler:
base | note | to | X | set |
where X is the desired offset from the tonic, e.g.
base | note | to | - | 2 | set |
would set the base note to two notes below the tonic.
To set override within the scaler use:
override | set |
And you can turn the 'override' parameter off using:
override | un | set |
To set the relative octave in the Scaler:
relative | octave | to | X | set |
where X is the desired offset from the keygroup octave, e.g.
relative | octave | to | - | 2 | set |
would set the scaler two octaves lower than the keygroup octave.
To set the global pitch bend range:
global | bend | range | to | X | set |
where X is your desired global pitch bend range, e.g.
global | bend | range | to | 1 | 2 | set |
To set the k pitch bend range:
k | bend | range | to | X | set |
where X is your desired k pitch bend range, e.g.
k | bend | range | to | 2 | set |
To set the pitch bend curve:
curve | to | X | set |
where X is the number which corresponds to the desired curve, e.g.
curve | to | 1 | set |
sets the pitch bend curve (which applies to both the global and k pitch bend inputs) to linear.