Console Mixer:
console | mixer |
The Console Mixer Agent is a twenty-four channel stereo mixer with an unlimited number of effects sends. Each channel has controls for volume, pan and effect send levels. The Console Mixer also contains master volume and master pan settings.
master | volume |
Master volume is used to set the master output volume of the Console Mixer - a value of 100 is equivalent to 0dB.
master | pan |
Master pan is used to set the master output pan of the Console Mixer.
Each channel of the Console Mixer has its own inputs and outputs. Please see the separate article on the Console Mixer Channels for more information.
Console Mixer Effect Channels:
The console mixer can have addition effect channels. Please see the separate article on the Console Mixer Effect Channels for more information.
create |
The 'create' verb is used to create an FX channel within the Mixer.
label |
The 'label' verb is used to label a particular Mixer Channel with relevant information, e.g. its upstream connection. This label is then displayed in the EigenBrowser.
Before using any of the commands below you must have the console mixer in your conversation:
console | mixer | listen |
To set the volume of a mixer channel:
channel | X | volume | to | Y | set |
where X is the mixer channel number and Y is the desired volume (a number between 0 and 120).
The Up and Down verbs work with volume:
channel | X | volume | up |
channel | X | volume | down |
To change the pan of a mixer channel:
channel | X | pan | to | Y | set |
where X is the mixer channel number and Y is the desired pan setting between -1 and 1 (-1 is hard left, 0 is centre, and 1 is hard right).
To set the master volume:
master | volume | to | Y | set |
where Y is the desired master volume level (a number between 0 and 120).
The Up and Down verbs work with master volume:
master | volume | up |
master | volume | down |
To set the master pan:
master | pan | to | Y | set |
where Y is the desired master pan setting between -1 and 1 (-1 is hard left, 0 is centre, and 1 is hard right).
Instead of simply referring to mixer channels by number you can give each channel a Belcanto label:
channel | X | to | ABCD | label |
where X is the mixer channel number and ABCD is the new Belcanto label.
channel | 1 | to | synth | 1 | label |
From now on instead of saying channel 1 you could say synth 1, for example:
synth | 1 | volume | to | 1 | 0 | 0 | set |
An effect channel is an input channel with an additional output. Other channels, both input and effect channels, can be sent to an effect channels 'send' output. The send output of the effects channels can be connected to effects, for example an audio unit plug-in or EigenD's built in delay, which then can return their output to the 'return' input of the effects channel. The effect channels are mixed to the mixer output in the same way as input channels. The send output of the effect channels is after the volume and pan stages of the channel.
To create a new effect channel:
effect | called | ABCD | create |
where ABCD is a name for the channel, the form of the name must be one or more Belcanto words followed by an optional number.
An effect channel can be removed with:
effect | called | ABCD | un | create |
where ABCD is the name of the effect channel you wish to remove.
To connect an effect to an effect channel, a connection must be made 1) from the effect to the effect channel, and 2) from the effect channel to the effect:
(to create connections between agents, the plumber and all the agents you wish to connect must be in the conversation, please see article on Plumbing for more information)
delay | to | mixer | effect | ABCD | connect |
mixer | effect | ABCD | to | delay | connect |
where ABCD is the name of the effect channel.
The send from an input to an effect channel, or from an effect channel to another effect channel must be enable before that channel is sent to the effect:
channel | X | ABCD | enable | set |
where X is the mixer channel number you are sending from, and ABCD is the name of the effect channel you are sending to. Remember if you have labelled your mixer channels or are sending from one effect channel to another, you can swap 'channel X' with the name of your channel, for example:
synth | 1 | ABCD | enable | set |
where ABCD is the name of the effect channel you are sending to.
A send can be disabled with:
channel | X | ABCD | enable | un | set |
where X is the mixer channel number you are sending from, and ABCD is the name of the effect channel you are sending to.
Send levels are used to control the amount of each channel being sent to an effect channel. Send levels are the same level of loudness as the mixer volume levels and range from 0 to 120. The send level from a mixer channel to an effect can be set with:
channel | X | ABCD | send | to | Y | set |
where X is the mixer channel number you are sending from, ABCD is the name of the effect channel you are sending to, and Y is the send level (a number between 0 and 120).
The send level from an effect channel to another effect channel can be set with:
effect | ABCD | WXYZ | send | to | Y | set |
where ABCD is the name of the effect channel you are sending from, WXYZ is the name of the effect channel you are sending to, and Y is the send level (a number between 0 and 120).
Sends can be enabled between effect channels to create an effects chain. The order in which the sends are enabled determines the order the effects are connected in. A loop can be created in the effects, with the exception of sending an effect to itself. Note: loops will cause feedback which can become unstable if the overall loop gain is greater that 1.
In the example below I have two effect channels called 'delay 1' and 'delay 2', to chain the output of delay 1 to the input of delay 2:
effect | delay | 1 | delay | 2 | enable | set |