The Eigenlabs software is based on a modular synthesis model which allows control inputs to be routed and manipulated by an advanced user to achieve a wide variety of effects. Almost any control from the keyboard or MIDI inputs can be used to manipulate any parameter in the system. Many of these options are available to users via the Eigenlabs Browser, the Stage application and the keys on the instruments. More advanced configuration is possible via the Eigenlabs Workbench which is available as part of EigenDPro. EigenDPro is not supplied with our instruments as standard but can be purchased separately in our online store.
Scales can be defined in an instrument, or can be associated with a key routing so that the scale, octave and tonic change according to how the instrument is being played.
The system allows defined events to take place according to a variety of triggering actions. Events that can be triggered include:
These actions can be triggered by various modules, which currently include:
Talker actions can also be triggered by MIDI input notes from external MIDI hardware, so midi foot boards can be used, for example, to change key or tonic, or tempo, while playing.