MIDI Input:
midi | input |
The MIDI Input Agent is used to process incoming external MIDI messages for use within EigenD.
activation | output |
The activation output is normally used to send activation data to downstream Agents.
continuous | controller | output |
The continuous controller output is normally used to send MIDI Continuous Controller data to downstream Agents.
midi | output |
The MIDI output is normally used to send MIDI data to downstream Agents.
midi | clock | output |
The MIDI clock output is normally used to send incoming MIDI clock data to downstream Agents (usually the Metronome in this case).
MIDI Port:
A MIDI port within the MIDI Input Agent is the virtual object within EigenD which corresponds to the operating system's available MIDI ports. These can be browsed using the EigenBrowser - please see example below.
Continuous Controller:
A Continuous Controller within EigenD refers to the object within EigenD used to talk about the incoming MIDI continuous controller values and their associated function. The values associated with them can either be a value between 0 and 127, or you can refer to the controller function by name - a full list of available MIDI CCs can be found here. You can calibrate or invert the incoming values using the examples below, or connect them to Ports within EigenD.
K within EigenD is a virtual object used to refer to an incoming MIDI note number. This is a value between 0 and 127 which corresponds to the desired note number. This value within EigenD can be used to trigger Talker events or connected to other Ports.
choose |
The 'choose' verb is used to select a MIDI port for MIDI input to EigenD from the EigenBrowser.
invert |
The 'invert' verb is used to invert the sense of the incoming MIDI data.
minimise |
The 'minimise' verb is used to calibrate the incoming MIDI data. Set the incoming MIDI device to produce its lowest value before using the 'minimise' verb.
maximise |
The 'maximise' verb is used to calibrate the incoming MIDI data. Set the incoming MIDI device to produce its highest value before using the 'maximise' verb.
Before using the Belcanto examples below, please make sure that you have the desired MIDI Input Agent in the conversation using:
midi | input | X | listen |
where X is the number of the desired MIDI Input Agent.
To browse a MIDI input port in the EigenBrowser, making sure you have the EigenBrowser open, use
eigenbrowser | , | midi | input | X | hey |
midi | port | browse |
where X is the number of the desired MIDI input Agent.
To choose a MIDI input port which is currently selected in the EigenBrowser, making sure you have the EigenBrowser open, use
eigenbrowser | , | midi | input | X | hey |
selection | choose |
To invert the sense of incoming MIDI continuous controller data, use
continuous | controller | X | invert |
where X refers to the incoming continuous control value.
To calibrate the upper bound of incoming MIDI, use:
continuous | controller | X | maximise |
where X refers to the incoming continuous control value.
To calibrate the lower bound of incoming MIDI data, use:
continuous | controller | X | minimise |
where X refers to the incoming continuous control value.