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Software: Talkers in belcanto

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written by: 0beron

I've added a note to the wiki in the 2.0 documentation for talkers, warning that the seminar information no longer applies (I'm sure John would agree that, similar to comments in code that incorrect ones are worse than none at all).

written by: 0beron

Sun, 6 May 2012 13:24:30 +0100 BST

Over the various eigenD versions I've worked out how to make talkers from the commander, and now in Workbench. In the newer versions however, I think talkers must have changed a lot since 1.4, as I can no longer create them the same way in commander. For setting up large talkers that all do the same sort of thing, it's much faster to make them in commander and use the command history to edit numbers etc, as opposed to workbench which is great for customising layout of the keys, colours etc, but involves an awful lot of clicking (on TINY buttons) when setting things up from scratch. It would be nice to have both.

Is it the case now that setting up a talker is just fundamentally more involved? Ie if I want to use the commander do I have to do the same things as I do in workbench (making a new key, making a new action, adding the phrase for that action, setting the row and column and colour etc), or should the old way ( eg. base note to 2 when 3 set ) still work?

The talker documentation on the wiki is very brief and then links to the seminars for examples, but those examples are rooted firmly in the 1.4 days and I think they no longer apply to 2.0.

written by: alistair

Sun, 6 May 2012 18:52:24 +0100 BST

Hi Robin, you are right, the talkers changed a lot for 2.0. The great thing about them now from a workbench point of view is that there is no special code for them - they just use the same mechanisms as the other agents for which you can create new ports. Having said that, it quickly became apparent when Geert and I were building the 2.0 factory setups that (as you say) there is far too much clicking around required to set them up. Hopefully we can include some kind of streamlined talker editor at some point - maybe when the property editor gets a revamp. There are some things - like being able to add more than one action and key at a time which might help and I might be able to get in at some point. I'm not sure about how you set them up using belcanto anymore - someone else can probably answer that.


written by: 0beron

Mon, 7 May 2012 14:03:31 +0100 BST

I've added a note to the wiki in the 2.0 documentation for talkers, warning that the seminar information no longer applies (I'm sure John would agree that, similar to comments in code that incorrect ones are worse than none at all).

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