As this submenu thing would need additional investigation here a short description for an intermediate solution how to get just the horizontal 4xn layout working:
* Copy the following text at the top of your Eigenlabs\Scale Manager\User Scales.txt file which resides in your user's folder (to test: perhaps 22 numbers should be sufficient as there are "only" 22x5 playing keys on the Alpha, added 26 here to be sure that the 4 semitones course offset don't lead to a "gap" at the bottom end):
[horizontal chromatic]
intervals= 100 96 92 88 84 80 76 72 68 64 60 56 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0
* Open both the EigenBrowser and the EigenCommander
* type the following Belcanto phrase into the EigenCommander window:
eigenbrowser hey scale manager scale browse
* Look at the EigenBrowser window, you should find the "horizontal chromatic" scale somewhere at the bottom, presumably it is mapped to either "user 1" or "user 2". Remember the user number.
* Now type the following Belcanto phrases:
kgroup 1 hey scale to user X set
replace X with 1 or 2 (or whatever number the horizontal user scale has in your setup)
Continue to type Belcanto phrases:
kgroup 1 hey course 2 offset to 1 semitone set
kgroup 1 hey course 3 offset to 1 semitone set
kgroup 1 hey course 4 offset to 1 semitone set
kgroup 1 hey course 5 offset to 1 semitone set
* Your Alpha should have a horizontal layout now
* Use the transpose keys at the bottom to tune the keygroup in a comfortable tonal range
* save your setup as a "horizontal layout" user setup
* if you want to go back to the standard layout just load the standard setup again
You can use the infos from the script above to build similar setups for the other custom layouts that you might want to try out.
Have fun,