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Help: How can I quickly transfer configuration on a macintosh?

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written by: dhjdhj

Thank you all, I have it working now on the laptop --- it was painless to do this using this information.

written by: dhjdhj

Wed, 9 Mar 2011 16:39:04 +0000 GMT

I am going to be performing tomorrow night (first time in public) and I need to install the EigenD software on my mac laptop. Until now, it has been on my home computer.

After I do the install, I need to grab the "configuration" that is on my home computer and just put that on the laptop so that I automatically have all the changes that were made (routing, guitar style tuning and so forth).

How can I do this?

written by: alistair

Wed, 9 Mar 2011 22:01:22 +0000 GMT

Hi David
If you look in ~/Library/Eigenlabs on your home computer you will see folders for each version of eigend on your system. Open the folder corresponding to the version you are running and you should see a folder called setups which contains all the setups you have saved. So, for example, if you saved your setup as user 1 you just need to copy the user 1 file and put it into the setups folder which will be created when you install eigend on your laptop.

When you start eigend on your laptop you just load user 1 in the normal way. I would recommend trying this out beforehand! Good luck with the performance.


written by: keyman

Wed, 9 Mar 2011 23:26:57 +0000 GMT

one by one, you should also check the folders:
- Scale Manager
- Scripts
- Soundfont

Check and double check !!
( i do this all the time... Imac on the studio then, everything to MBP on the road)


written by: dhjdhj

Thu, 10 Mar 2011 19:01:28 +0000 GMT

Thank you all, I have it working now on the laptop --- it was painless to do this using this information.

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