I find the seminars of great help and a good offer from Eigenlabs.
Being able to suggest topics and direct questions seems more then adequate, (ok the info is like droplets so what!) and has bin one of the few ways go deeper into Eigen D and the use of Belcanto. I do get a bit sad when there are few questions from the users, even the wildest more general crazy question can help the community ( my questions not always reflect what I'm working on the moment). It seems suddenly we all know everything.
I'm optimistic by nature and like to work with what's real in the present time, ( don´t want to patronize but, Portuguese gave worlds to the world)
About the presentation; think it's just a means to justify the end, no Hollywood production needed.
You can not make an omelet without eggs, and this seems the case, the Quick Reference Guide gets you started and playing ( and even goes beyond that ). I'm glad I can go here, then here, it shows that the info exist!
Even Dave gets tangled sometimes in the setups and what versions allows what to be created and so on...
A bit of patience and wise judgment will tell you that we are in "uncharted territory" not everyone can be an explorer and know how to use a compass.