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General Discussion: How to redefine the keys/scales

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written by: dhjdhj

OK --- this works WONDERFULLY --- I can actually now instantly play some real songs and the expressive control that I expected.

So a couple of followup suggestions (no good deed goes unpunished)

1) Is it possible to have a script that will only allow the highest key pressed in a column to play? Essentially allow the ability to emulate bar chords and trills as if one had a single string?

2) How about a script that implemented sax/flute (Boehme) fingering, complete with the ability to switch octaves by holding the appropriate keys down, etc

written by: dhjdhj

Sat, 14 Aug 2010 03:35:46 +0100 BST

If possible, I would really not like to spend my time "meta-learning", i.e, I don't want to learn how to program the eigenharp, I just want to learn how to play it.

I'm hoping that someone might have step by step instructions (or a script that can be run (how?)) that will just automagically change the key scale so that it is chromatic but laid out like the top 5 strings of a guitar (i.e, lowest keys would be A D G B E)

It would also be helpful if each key column was on a separate MIDI channel.


written by: john

Sat, 14 Aug 2010 13:54:26 +0100 BST

Hi David

I'll ask Sam to post either detailed instructions or a script on Monday for you. The layout is not actually defined by the scale, you can set the offset between courses in scale increments, which if you are playing in chromatic scale would then be in semitones. What you want to do is a very normal customisation.

Which keygroup and split do you want to do this in? All of them, or just one? And could you let us know what factory setup you are playing in?


written by: sam

Wed, 18 Aug 2010 11:30:22 +0100 BST

Hi David,

I'd be happy to create a script for you to do this. If you could let me know which Factory Setup and which Keygroup you would like redefining I will then upload the result to the wiki.


written by: dhjdhj

Wed, 18 Aug 2010 14:55:53 +0100 BST

Right now, I'm only using the first factory setup --- now that I've figured how how the control system works (deep menu hierarchy) I'm just focusing on getting MIDI output working so that I can control everything from MainStage.

So the entire keygroup should be just redefined --- if the mechanism (i.e, both the script and whatever incantations are needed to invoke it) for doing this can be explained/documented so that I can change it myself then that would be very helpful.

Many thanks,

written by: sam

Fri, 20 Aug 2010 09:58:57 +0100 BST


I have uploaded the requested script to our documentation wiki, which also contains instructions on how to use Belcanto Scripts within the Factory Setups.

I hope this meets your requirements - please let me know if you need any more help or information.


written by: mikemilton

Fri, 20 Aug 2010 13:52:19 +0100 BST

'handy script, thanks.

It might be useful as well (given the interest expressed here to not have to use the control keys) to set the octave so that the top left key is the a in the appropriate octave for a guitar.

If one likes to use the control keys etc, then I assuming that another way to achieve this is to set the target keygroup to AChrom then, in commander, tell the kgroup to listen and set the course 4 offset to 4 (this strikes me as a quick alternative)

If one were using a setup with multiple splits and keygroups, one would also need to be careful not to globally change scale/key.

written by: dhjdhj

Thu, 26 Aug 2010 15:01:45 +0100 BST

OK -- I've just come out of coding hell so I'm going to spend a few hours trying to make this script work --- I do wish I didn't have to through so many levels of indirection though. There badly needs to just be a GUI tool where I can just "Run Script" without first having to play a metasong on the instrument.

written by: dhjdhj

Tue, 31 Aug 2010 16:24:08 +0100 BST

I cannot get this to work. I created the script using a standard text editor and saved it in the appropriate folder. When I use the EigenBrowser, it shows up in the list (under User Scripts) but it is marked as "failed"

written by: aaronw

Tue, 31 Aug 2010 16:45:13 +0100 BST

Hi dhjdhj,

Can you quit EigenD and start fresh. Run the script again and log a bug report. This will tell us what is going wrong.


Customer Support

written by: dhjdhj

Tue, 31 Aug 2010 23:38:22 +0100 BST

Restarting has no effect --- it fails exactly the same way.

written by: aaronw

Wed, 1 Sep 2010 16:01:02 +0100 BST

Hi dhjdhj,

Did you log a bug report? Our software department have not seen one from you yet.


Customer Support

written by: dhjdhj

Wed, 1 Sep 2010 20:20:41 +0100 BST

Is "logging a bug report" the same as requesting support? If so, then no, I haven't logged anything as there's no other info other than what I have already said in this thread

written by: dhjdhj

Thu, 2 Sep 2010 13:01:14 +0100 BST

OK --- just discovered "Report Bug" menu item ---- posted the info

written by: aaronw

Thu, 2 Sep 2010 15:39:43 +0100 BST

Thanks dhjdhj,

The software team have looked at your reports and I have emailed you a replacement script.


Customer Support

written by: dhjdhj

Thu, 2 Sep 2010 16:06:40 +0100 BST

If the script needs to be replaced, shouldn't it just be updated on the wiki?

written by: dhjdhj

Thu, 2 Sep 2010 16:11:07 +0100 BST

To where did you email the replacement script? I have not received anything

written by: dhjdhj

Thu, 2 Sep 2010 16:44:42 +0100 BST

OK --- this works WONDERFULLY --- I can actually now instantly play some real songs and the expressive control that I expected.

So a couple of followup suggestions (no good deed goes unpunished)

1) Is it possible to have a script that will only allow the highest key pressed in a column to play? Essentially allow the ability to emulate bar chords and trills as if one had a single string?

2) How about a script that implemented sax/flute (Boehme) fingering, complete with the ability to switch octaves by holding the appropriate keys down, etc

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