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Pico: Pico only as a midi controller w/o instruments, cc messages etc...

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written by: wolfgang

thanks mike! midipipe works great.
but i thought this should also be possible by using a script from the eigenharp software?

written by: wolfgang

Sat, 29 May 2010 17:10:13 +0100 BST

hi, i am new in the "pico game" and i have to say its one of the best controllers i have ever had. fantastic idea with the midi scales etc...
but the software sucks IMHO.

is there a way to use the pico only as a midicontroller without loading samples, loops etc...
and is there a way to turn all midi messages off expect the note on/off.
i only need the keys, no breathpipe or stripcontroller.

i sequence my pico notes with my mpc3000 and there are soooooo many messages/datas when i want to record a sequence for my external gear that i always have to delete everything expect the note messages.

hope this makes sense?

thanks for your help!

written by: mikemilton

Sat, 29 May 2010 18:25:27 +0100 BST

Assuming you are using the newer software, it will create a virtual MIDI output you can select as input to other software. From there you can use a MIDI utility to route it to whatever MIDI out you wish. I use MIDIPipe and it will also filter or remap things. There are other inexpensive or free midi routers for OSX. On the pico, select the midi instrument instead of one of the native sounds / samplers or AUs.

So, there is an answer - but -

Frustrations with the software aside, the sounds are quite good and it is worth getting past thinking of any of the eigenlabs products as simply controllers. They are good controllers but the real point is that they are wonderful performance instruments.

Once you get it doing what you expected in the first place, I highly recommend you revisit the other things it can do.


PS: Look here as well / first

you will need this (only) if you are using the V1.0.x software: (think of your MIDI router as the DAW)

written by: wolfgang

Mon, 31 May 2010 11:18:10 +0100 BST

thanks mike! midipipe works great.
but i thought this should also be possible by using a script from the eigenharp software?

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