For looping, I'd like to add the following requests, or at least mention these things so that myself or another user can code these things up in future:
- Make first note triggering optional somehow, and then use tap-in via a key or via MIDI to start the recording. This means you can play an upbeat or an intro without it being recorded, and then start the loop at the correct point. Maybe this would require the first note played to mark the active instrument(s), so that you can for example arm 4 instruments, play an intro on two of them, hit 'record' somehow, which will start recording on the two instruments you have played notes on, and then leave the remaining two instruments armed to trigger recordings based on first note played.
- Make tap-out set the drummer tempo according to the number of bars set in the recorder controls. So if you setup a 16 bar recording, and play 16 bars at any speed, then tap out, you can fade in the drummer and it will match what you've played, without having to have the metronome click or any percussion playing at the start. Synching yourself to the drummer will be tough, but if the pre-fader-listen mentioned in another thread is implemented, then you can play along with the click without anyone else hearing it.