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Developers: Steinberg SDK and full 2.1 build on OS X Yosemite

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written by: Zeno X

You're right, they could change it. Next time I'll just put 'em all in. Not your fault!

written by: Zeno X

Thu, 29 Jan 2015 18:45:00 +0000 GMT

I'm happy to report a successful build of version 2.1. The readme doesn't mention that you have to put these in the steinberg folder:


Obviously, I didn't go the symbolic link route. :P

written by: TheTechnobear

Fri, 30 Jan 2015 13:32:44 +0000 GMT


the read me does mention the directory,

Steinberg SDK
obtains from :
you will need to register a developer account buts its free

You will need to obtain the VST headers from the
Steinberg site.
Place these in a directory called 'steinberg' as follows:
(under mac osx, its easier just to create a symbolic link to to the steinberg SDK directory)

did you misunderstand this, if so perhaps I can word it better?

were there any other steps that were not obvious, Id like to make it as easy as possible to do for newcomers.

(I don't want to detail the steinberg registration/download step, as they can change that)

written by: TheTechnobear

Fri, 30 Jan 2015 13:30:36 +0000 GMT

ok, I've updated the wording and the example, so I hope its a bit clearer.

written by: Zeno X

Fri, 30 Jan 2015 15:14:09 +0000 GMT

You're right, they could change it. Next time I'll just put 'em all in. Not your fault!

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