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Pico: kmapper or kgroup

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written by: keyman

I'm in heaven when i combine the visual aspects of a show, lights, with music (even more so when its my compositions).
MA where my choice in the past for touring, worked with a Lighcommander 48/6 then with moving heads and a Scancommader, and later a Grand Ma lite
To have one of my own, smaller and lighter, I have turn to Chamsys and it's fabulous MagiQ software (and I have 1 pc wing and a mini wing ) I have SMPTE and trigger cues with midi either on the Pico and the Alpha. (with Workbench you can even combine this two instruments in a setup)

I keep some time reserved for Belcanto every now and then, and i do like challenges...

written by: Scuz793

Fri, 3 Aug 2012 15:09:38 +0100 BST

hello guys,

i'm trying to add extra midi outputs to the pico factory setup 1 in 1.4.12. I connected kmapper 2 to a new scaler and midi converter that i created and thats outputting notes that i can see in max/msp just fine.

then i connected the pressure, roll and yaw from the new scaler using some code from the 'pico from scratch' page ie:

scaler x pressure output to midi converter 2 parameter 1 connect
scaler x roll output to midi converter 2 parameter 2 connect
scaler x yaw output to midi converter 2 parameter 3 connect

this works fine, but the i cant get the next section to work, connecting the breath and strip, because i can't work out if i'm supposed to be connecting kgroup 1 or kmapper 2 or what. 'pico midi from scratch' says to use kgroup 1 output 1 but i cant get that to work.

does anyone know what i'm doing wrong?

written by: Scuz793

Fri, 3 Aug 2012 18:58:36 +0100 BST

Actually guys, don't worry about that, It's not a problem in 2.0.58, I have all the controllers coming out fine. I've been meaning to switch over for a while now.

I have another question if you dont mind though.
as the vocabulary has changed a bit in 2.0, could any of you translate this piece of code from a previous post regarding using all 18 keys:

All playing keys - from Antonio
empty join
kgroup 1 listen
k 1 to k 4 add
k 10 to k 13 add
k 5 to k 8 add
k 14 to k 17 add
k 9 add
k 18 add

empty join
kmapper 2 listen
k 1 to k 18 add

all join
eigenbrowser vertical nudger 1 un connect
eigenbrowser tapper 1 un connect
eigenbrowser vertical nudger 2 un connect

if there is no kmapper anymore, how would you do this? also the independent 3 lines at the bottom don't work on their own either now.

written by: keyman

Sat, 4 Aug 2012 05:31:33 +0100 BST

Hi Scuz793,
You did good about "switch over" 2.0 it's much more, let's call it robust, I myself hold on 1.4, but now I even go live on stage with 2.0.

About the All playing keys, it's not mine actually look this post here

I do remember it well, gave two more playing keys at my disposal. The Pico was and still IS my main instrument in a couple of shows.

empty join - no agent is in conversation
kgroup 1 listen
clear - clears the keys associated with kgroup 1
k 1 to k 4 add--and so on.... - adds keys in that specific order
eigenbrowser vertical nudger 1 un connect - and following lines, disconnect the ability to scroll / control Eigenbrowser with K 9 and k18, that by now produce sound.

A lot has changed and evolved for the better since then, talking about workbench, offers the more "adventurers" eigenharp players a graphical way to configure in very detail the instruments.
As you mention correctly, the Belcanto vocabulary changed a bit, kgroup is now keygroup and there is more words and ways to handle a "conversation".
Workbench is the tool to create this sort of customizations, deeper ones, start from "scratch", multiple audio outs, handle audio into EigenD itself, connect and disconnect virtual cables at one's heart content, still with Belcanto as foundation.

Let us (the community) know what's on your mind, I'm sure it's doable.

written by: geert

Sat, 4 Aug 2012 07:36:39 +0100 BST

Hi Scuz793,

You can find the details of how Keygroup works in EigenD 2 on this wiki page:

Kmapper is gone since it's not needed anymore, the new Keygroup agent now has the capability to configure different key layouts for playing musically and for physically interacting with the instrument (notes versus configuration).

With Workbench you can simply edit how keys are mapped in a Keygroup through a GUI dialog that clearly shows what goes into the keygroup and what goes out, it's a much more convenient and less error prone way than trying to do this in Belcanto. While it's certainly still possible in Belcanto, we found that using it for reconfiguring instruments is very tedious and error prone, it was never intended for that. Belcanto excels however for 'talking' to your existing setup and changing what it's doing, similarly to tweaking knobs on a physical device.

Best regards,


written by: Scuz793

Sat, 4 Aug 2012 12:48:41 +0100 BST

thanks for the response guys. It seems that everything i ever want to do will just be easier with workbench, though I do quite like the actual coding. I'm using my universities pico for an MA project about sound and lighting controllers. They said they would purchase workbench, but it will likely take ages for that to actually happen. so i'll keep working on belcanto until then. thanks again guys.

written by: keyman

Sat, 4 Aug 2012 16:31:12 +0100 BST

I'm in heaven when i combine the visual aspects of a show, lights, with music (even more so when its my compositions).
MA where my choice in the past for touring, worked with a Lighcommander 48/6 then with moving heads and a Scancommader, and later a Grand Ma lite
To have one of my own, smaller and lighter, I have turn to Chamsys and it's fabulous MagiQ software (and I have 1 pc wing and a mini wing ) I have SMPTE and trigger cues with midi either on the Pico and the Alpha. (with Workbench you can even combine this two instruments in a setup)

I keep some time reserved for Belcanto every now and then, and i do like challenges...

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