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General Discussion: Quick Reference guide improvements

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written by: aaronw

Dear Tom,

Thanks for your comments about the Quick Reference guide. I have made Karl, our designer aware of your suggestions and he will take them into consideration next time we come to print.


Customer Support

written by: geert

Thu, 19 Nov 2009 16:38:21 +0000 GMT


I thought I'd give some suggestions about the quick reference after my initial hour with it.

I found that it was actually confusion how the pictures represent the Pico. They are upside-down when you actually are playing and you have to mentally switch the playing keys from side compared to when you see when you look down on the Pico. So I would actually rotate all the images 180°.

Also, on each page it would be very nice to have the key sequence listed on to get there. Since you're otherwise always going back and forth between the pages just to listen to a sound.

Probably more to come later ...


written by: john

Sat, 21 Nov 2009 16:25:36 +0000 GMT

Hi Geert

Well spotted on the upside down Pico thing. Its already in progress for the next print run. It's one of those things that the moment someone points it out is really obvious, but managed to evade us all before we started using them in anger. Putting the key sequence on each page is a great idea, we'll try it our and see how it looks and works, thanks.


written by: TomSwirly

Sun, 22 Nov 2009 19:04:29 +0000 GMT

Thanks so much for being so accepting of our comments!

So here are my detailed ones about that.

About 80% of the surface area of each page is wasted right now - because you're duplicating parts that never change. This results in those silly lines connecting the caption to the button which also waste space.

I have the book in front of me two feet away and I have to peer to read the text!

So have ONE page that has all the parts labelled.

Then all the other pages should simply be a zoom-in on the 16 keys only - because those are the only things in your OS that change by context.

Suddenly each key is really big - even if you have a big margin. You could even put a short explanation of the key INSIDE the key itself - and then have longer comments along the margin to explain groups of keys. Or make the keys smaller, the margin bigger and have the explanation of the key beside it, without the terrible connecting lines.

written by: aaronw

Mon, 23 Nov 2009 15:23:12 +0000 GMT

Dear Tom,

Thanks for your comments about the Quick Reference guide. I have made Karl, our designer aware of your suggestions and he will take them into consideration next time we come to print.


Customer Support

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