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General Discussion: Question about Workbench vs. Belcanto

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written by: NothanUmber

Yes, you can do everything that can be done in Workbench with Belcanto also (that's one of the major goals of Eigenlabs, see e.g. this video about "moral agents". (As far as I understood Workbench internally speaks Belcanto to EigenD, so if Belcanto can't do it then Workbench couldn't either without hacks)
So theoretically Belcanto would be sufficient...
In practise before you can formulate a Belcanto sentence you first have to know which agents (small software components) exist in a setup and how they interact if you don't start from scratch. (And even then you should have a good understanding of how a setup usually looks like internally). Analysing these dependencies is also possible with textual tools provided with EigenD (non Pro) in theory, but it's not very comfortable and difficult to get the "big picture".
This is what Workbench is really good at - you can instantly see what is going on.

So - if you ask the community for screenshots of a few relevant parts of the (currently still work in progress) standard setups and are willing to invest some time learning Belcanto, you should be able to reach all goals that are within the range of Workbench (and even some things more that Workbench can't do).

In the long run updating to EigenD Pro with Workbench still makes sense of course if you can afford it at some point - orientation is much easier, it's harder to run against the limits of imagination for complex setups.
And you will be able to explore all the details (we can't make screenshots of everything), learn from other user layouts etc:
Currently there is no project to Belcanto script exporter, so you can't easily retrieve the Belcanto used to build a setup, no matter whether it was initially done via "manual" Belcanto or Workbench - in the first case you can hope to get your hands on the original script of course - but most people who build setups in the future by themselves will use Workbench I assume.

written by: WM

Mon, 2 Apr 2012 19:41:39 +0100 BST

Hello there, everyone.

I am seriously considering to buy an Eigenharp Pico soon. Because I am still in college and right now making music is mainly a hobby, I don't really have very much money, wich is why I want to ask the following question:

From what I've read, EigenD 2.0 Pro has this special Workbench. From Geerts videos on YouTube I've seen how nice it looks. My question however, since it does cost quite a bit more, is the following:
is the Workbench is mainly a graphical representation of Belcanto,( in the sense that I can, even tough it doesn't look as nice and probably will be harder to code, make the same things work by using just Belcanto), or that the Workbench has many, many more and different features that Belcanto doesn't have?

Have a nice day,

Wiebe Marten Wijnja

written by: NothanUmber

Tue, 3 Apr 2012 20:30:38 +0100 BST

Yes, you can do everything that can be done in Workbench with Belcanto also (that's one of the major goals of Eigenlabs, see e.g. this video about "moral agents". (As far as I understood Workbench internally speaks Belcanto to EigenD, so if Belcanto can't do it then Workbench couldn't either without hacks)
So theoretically Belcanto would be sufficient...
In practise before you can formulate a Belcanto sentence you first have to know which agents (small software components) exist in a setup and how they interact if you don't start from scratch. (And even then you should have a good understanding of how a setup usually looks like internally). Analysing these dependencies is also possible with textual tools provided with EigenD (non Pro) in theory, but it's not very comfortable and difficult to get the "big picture".
This is what Workbench is really good at - you can instantly see what is going on.

So - if you ask the community for screenshots of a few relevant parts of the (currently still work in progress) standard setups and are willing to invest some time learning Belcanto, you should be able to reach all goals that are within the range of Workbench (and even some things more that Workbench can't do).

In the long run updating to EigenD Pro with Workbench still makes sense of course if you can afford it at some point - orientation is much easier, it's harder to run against the limits of imagination for complex setups.
And you will be able to explore all the details (we can't make screenshots of everything), learn from other user layouts etc:
Currently there is no project to Belcanto script exporter, so you can't easily retrieve the Belcanto used to build a setup, no matter whether it was initially done via "manual" Belcanto or Workbench - in the first case you can hope to get your hands on the original script of course - but most people who build setups in the future by themselves will use Workbench I assume.

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