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Workbench: Help turning on tonic lights

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written by: geert

@carvingcode, simply hook up the light output from a scaler to the light input of a keygroup output. If the rig in which the scaler doesn't have a light output port, you can create one and connect the inside to it.



written by: carvingCode

Sun, 1 Apr 2012 22:39:55 +0100 BST

Would appreciate a run through on how to turn on tonic lights in the Factory setups. This was discussed awhile back, but I had no success. So, feel I need a bit more hand holding.



written by: geert

Mon, 2 Apr 2012 07:01:58 +0100 BST

@carvingcode, simply hook up the light output from a scaler to the light input of a keygroup output. If the rig in which the scaler doesn't have a light output port, you can create one and connect the inside to it.



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