Was browsing the docs tonight. The Belcanto scripts section looks very sparse. So I suggest that we add some to this thread that the Eigenlabs' Docs God can add to the list.
Here's a few I've found very handy. (I didn't create them, so 'thanks'!)
-- Turnng breath control off in Sampler 2 (Works on Tau)
gain 3 volume input un connect
gain 3 volume to 1 set
-- This Belcanto script is useful when recording a AU/VST arpeggio-type patch. If
-- MIDI clock is on, the arpeggio will start over based on the number of bars you
-- are recording. This may produce unwanted effect.
plumber hey midi clock 1 un connect
plumber hey midi clock 2 un connect
-- Disable octave keys on kgroup 2 (Tau, possibly Alpha)
empty join
octave talker 2 listen
phrase 1 cancel
phrase 1 cancel