... eventually.
Drum Loops - instead of 16 loops, it might be nice to have 2 sets of 8 that automatically swap or, perhaps have the loop toggle, toggle between multiple loaded loops. This would make intro, body, fill, ending switching playable in a small keygroup. It would also be nice to have multiple drummers (see set lists) although I guess this is doable now?
Arrangers - An editor in workbench that allows setting up an arranger would be nice and avoid a lot of scrolling it should also make it possible to set the velocity and hold time of each entry. This might be a thing for the metronome but triplets, swung notes, shuffle time, etc would be welcome additions.
Metronome(s) - in general, eigenD is incredibly effective at managing scales and tonics. It would be great if it was as good in a rhythmic dimension (see comment in arrangers). This should not be just about supporting various items (like triplets and so on) but also about performing with them during a song. Are multiple metronomes possible? Would it be better to base time on a single timecode supporting multiple rythmic agents?
Set-lists - the notion of selecting a song from a setlist (much like selecting a split from a setup) would be vary powerful and a great performance aid, particularly if each item could have it's own split, loops, rhythmic settings, arrangers and plugin choices. One would just work their way down the column of lights as they worked through a set. I think the implication is that the master mode key picks the song and the split selection is moved to the song mode key (presently the split mode key). Such that each song could have its own split??
OK... I know these are a bit off-the-wall and likely part of some far future thing (or possibly something left to the reader as an exercise once 2.x is available) but they are simply things that came to me as I was playing