Would have liked so much to participate in the DevCon2012, but in the last months my brain is, due to an TBI in august, too slow for acting as such of an "adventurous user". I recently did purchase an EigenD Pro subscription, and tried to use it together with the documents and videos from the DevCon2012.
Got the code (branch 2.0) from github to compile in Lion (excluding VSTs - they created too many build errors -, and using vanilla installations of xcode 4, python2.7.2 and ctags 5.8), but the results do not contain the Workbench and none of the agents inserted into the Code from Samples in "Writing an Agent From Scratch". The released version "EigenD Pro 2.0.35-experimental" does indeed contain the Workbench, but it is not obvious to me whether and where to copy parts of the release into the output built from the github source, branch 2.0, or whether this should be done vice versa.
Sorry if this is obvious to everyone else, but from my view some information is missing how to join the github source and the EigenD Pro version if this is really necessary. John did mention that "Agents can be copied from your paid for binaries into the GPL'd system" (http://www.eigenlabs.com/forum/threads/id/815/?page=1#post_form). I wonder how to do this, e.g. there are different code-files in /usr/pi/release-2.0.35-experimental/plugins/Eigenlabs/plg_osc and in /Users/.../Code/Eigenlabs-EigenD-bfbc5a9/plg_osc, thus copying would mean overwrite. A hint or an example would be nice.
So my question is: how to create a new agent (e.g. one from the samples), and integrate it in a local build, which contains a workbench as well.
My aim is to understand the workbench, its wiring and the modules and agents visible in it, just to be able to create setups for the pico and / or to augment functions.
Sorry for my brain being in "slow thread" mode, seeking for examples...