Transcribing from G+...
Thanks for sharing!... Since I have a mini, I went and tried it; and it does work!
Having EigenD "open at login" and this script,
1- can use STAGE to control EigenD
2-can connect with an iPad (if one needs to have a "virtual screen" image of the mini)
Currently have the macmini downstairs (office), always ready with the Pico, but really would like to "glue" together with the MBP - one 'harp with two machines....
I have a talker running on the percussion keys:
( but I think it's more useful on kgroup 99; it's dangerous to accidentally load a setup )
empty join
percussion kgroup 1 hey
output 12 create
talker create
it to user talker name ify
percussion kgroup 1 output 12 to user talker connect
user talker listen
eigend listen
user 1 when 1 load
((and so on))