Hi Dylan
That looks really interesting. I have a few questions, if you don't mind:
*What speed (bandwidth) is it? I assume that you lowpass filter the signal, what frequency do you do that at?
*I assume that at the moment you are creating MIDI CC data of some kind from the bow speed. Is that the case? are you using oldeworlde current loop MIDI or USB?
*Have you derived the bow pressure/angle as a seperate signal from speed?
* Are you thinking of turning this into a real product? If you are we'd certainly be interested in offering it to our customers, and helping to integrate the sensor into EigenD natively. We've been thinking about bow sensors on and off for years, and this is a really neat solution.
Great to see that you're playing with this - I really like the optical speed sensor idea and it gets around a pile of annoying bow sensor problems in one hit.
and of course, when can we see a video of you playing the Alpha (and which brave souls Alpha is that could I ask?) with it?