Ugh, you sell your Alpha - this would presumably be the only one sold second hand, people usually don't give their's away once they can get hold of one...
Am personally not "outgrown" my Tau yet by far, otherwise this would have been very tempting...
Are you really sure you want to sell this? Still hope that the Eigenharp idea will take off once the remaining "missing links" in the software are implemented and the first good players think it's time to show what they practised for. Then this will be one of the first Alphas ever built.
And if not (what we all don't hope) then it nonetheless would become a very rare and sought after musical instrument - building something like that as DIY is presumably not feasable for almost anybody and you rarely get such a powerful software complete with source code with it...
If you practise enough then playing this instrument is addictive!
Tip: If you don't get to grip with the standard layout perhaps try to play with a horizontal chromatic layout
c2 |c#2|d2 | d#2|e2
g#1|a1 |a#1|b1|c2
e1 |f1 |f#1|g1 |g#1
c1 |c#1|d1 |d#1|e1
8 octaves on the Alpha, isomorphic layout, best played with both hands, instrument vertical (with cello spike), leaning the instrument on your shoulder or holding it with the thumbs, both hands showing upwards for melodies and sideways for chords/runs (which are much easier with this layout). After many experiments imho this is the most fun way to play the instrument. (I do not have the 5th row on the Tau, this can be useful on the Alpha to play certain chords more easily by doubling the notes on the first "string").
A very rewarding sound: Build yourself something with a pronounced attack phase (so you can play "pizzicato") and infinite sustain that does vibrato horizontally (less than a half tone in each direction), vertical tremolo (going from silence in the down position to loud in the up position) and a slight overdrive on keypress. You need a multitimbral synthesizer for that or a subhost and various instances and set the Alpha to polyphonic mode (I use Bidule and 16x ACE with a variation of the "UH Softmachinoodle 2" preset)