There is been a lot of discussion that eigend must exist because the data rate and latency issues are too much for any other host, etc etc. It must therefore be it's own host and closed.
I just wanted to point out a controller that has a high data rate yet manages to be an open platform for development using the simple model of the monome where there is a protocol for incoming data generated from interaction, and a separate decoupled protocol for lighting the pads.
That is the manta
7 Mantas
As you can see in the video, we are sequencing with a groove template which I cannot do for example with the arranger yet. In general, I don't expect or want Eigenlabs to write every possible software mode that could be conceived on this device.
I can throw a manta object into MAX/MSP and get continuous high resolution data streams off multiple keys on a 3ms or even less refresh rate.
Because the controller uses this simple protocol, I can extend it and the community of users can start building apps to share with each other for the device.
I would really like to see EigenD have such an extension mode. One idea would be to have a "user mode", this would be like choosing "user 1" instead of "sampler 1" for example, when in this mode, an external application could communicate with the allocated canvas area of the user mode with a free interpretation and receive key press data as key coordinates and continuous controller data.
This is not a new concept. The Novation Launchpad has similar and it allowed to device to emulate the monome which was a big part of it's success.
If eigenD is indeed such a flexible architecture, such a mode should be possible. The trick it to make the communication with this mode as simple as possible.