@dhjdhj, I never said that EigenD was perfect, just that there are AUs that are creating problems and that I still now personally have problems with these AUs in other hosts also. These are indeed being resolved over time and I see that even DAWs like Logic and Reaper aren't handling them perfectly either. My personal experience is not that everything is fine outside EigenD land either, it's improving over time, just as EigenD is. When SL just came out and Logic 9 was available, I couldn't even run it stable for an hour, now that's reduced to a few crashes per day. Reaper is more stable and I switched to it, but once in a while it crashes with Omnisphere, Softube, Guitar Rig or Studio Devil AUs. Bidule was crashing with Guitar Rig 3 for months last year, I couldn't trust it to play live anymore and had to revise my entire setup and do my guitar sounds with other software. With the amount of data that EigenD is streaming out, different problems occur with AUs that are probably not being seen with regular MIDI usage.
We're investigating how to improve things in this regard. For now, I suggest that you set the tail time of the audio unit slots to their maximum, save that as a setup and use that as your base setup.
Best regards,