For what it's worth, I finally had time to figure out how to make the Eigenharp work with MIDI and get it going with MainStage. Along the way, I ran the Snoize MIDI Monitor tool and I can see what's going on, at least in the default layout that I"m using.
If you touch a key and then touch another key without releasing the first key, the Alpha sends the new NoteOn event on a new MIDI channel. It keeps doing that as you press more keys without releasing previous ones....I'm not quite sure what to make of that, I'm finding it to be very awkward to deal with but that explains why one would have trouble with some synths when not in omni mode.
I'd much prefer it to play all notes using the same channel in the same layout and then have different MIDI channels in different layouts --- I can also see the value in having each key column on separate channels for some things.
How hard is it to set such configuration?
I have kontact 4 working fine but I had to set the input to omni. I'm assuming that different keys are being transmitted in different midi channels (which will be useful once I have learned more) but to get a feel for the physical instrument, omni mode is fine