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Alpha: Base stations

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written by: 0beron

I for one would be interested in a Tau basestation, or the wart powered basestation pro if it materialises, since that opens up the possibility of making the entire Eigenharp rig run on batteries. Just charge up the mac book and use a portable battery amp. Limiting factor will probably be the mac book battery driving all the plugins...

written by: Tenebrous

Sat, 15 May 2010 09:39:24 +0100 BST

Hello, me again ;)

I just noticed this wiki article, where it states "... Base Station Pro, available as an upgrade with the Eigenharp Alpha and Tau ...", which suggests the Alpha does *not* come with a Base Station Pro by default.

However the Alpha product page refers to coming with an "Eigenharp base station", and the Tau product page refers to "Eigenharp Tau Base Station".

I'm assuming that the product pages are wrong since terminology has probably moved on and they're now called a "Base Station" versus a "Base Station Pro"... but my question is, which one does the Alpha come with 'by default'? i.e. what will I be getting? :D

Thanks :)

written by: mikemilton

Sat, 15 May 2010 10:41:06 +0100 BST

I had exactly the same question, and made the same suggestion about the product pages.

Anyways, the Alpha comes with the base station pro. Congrats on your purchase, you'll love it.

Cheers, m

written by: john

Sat, 15 May 2010 20:34:05 +0100 BST

We''ve renamed the existing Basestation the Basestation Pro. What was previously called the Tau Basestation is now called the Basestation and will be the standard basestation that ships with an Alpha or Tau shortly (although all current Alpha orders will ship with the existing Basestation Pro). The current Basestation Pro will become an optional extra for an Alpha or Tau. The main reason for this is that we can only ship the Basetation Pro to a limited number of territories, the ones in which we have gone through the (usually substantial) pain of gaining the correct electrical safety approvals. Gaining these approvals has proved to be expensive, time consuming and difficult. The new, simpler Basestation comes with a 'Wall Wart' style mains adapter that is already approved for a large number of territories, including some that we cannot currently ship to such as Australia. The Basestation Pro will continue to be available for European and probably US customers (although, astonishingly, the US regime requires a quarterly factory inspection at considerable expense and hassle - what for is anyones guess - so we may have to omit this territory). We may in time introduce an intermediate model that features the Basestattion Pro's pedals, MIDI and extension functions but is also Wall Wart powered.

I hope this clarifies things - we've only decided to do this in the last couple of weeks and website copy is still lagging a little behind, apologies for that.


written by: Tenebrous

Sat, 15 May 2010 21:36:01 +0100 BST


Thanks very much for the (as usual) very detailed explanation, makes a lot of sense. And no problem with the website text, just thought I'd make sure you guys knew the wiki didn't match the product pages :)

Thanks again,

written by: barnone

Sun, 16 May 2010 18:32:45 +0100 BST

I'm really glad to have a base station that is not powered by yet another wart.

Crazy on the US thing. No wonder so much gear has warts when it really should be the other way around. The warts are probably more dangerous.

written by: 0beron

Mon, 17 May 2010 09:40:39 +0100 BST

I for one would be interested in a Tau basestation, or the wart powered basestation pro if it materialises, since that opens up the possibility of making the entire Eigenharp rig run on batteries. Just charge up the mac book and use a portable battery amp. Limiting factor will probably be the mac book battery driving all the plugins...

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