Had another idea - something I'd like to see for the Alpha is the ability to choose the tonic note on the keyboard itself. I find that to play a particular phrase I need a good few notes above the tonic, and some below it as well. This means if the keyboard is split, and in chromatic mode, I have to make sure the tonic note is somewhere in the centre of the keygroup I'm playing on. Getting this right with the scale controls is perfectly possible, but what would be ideal is to have a tonic selection mode (perhaps accessed with the keygroup mode key), that allows you to choose the location just by pressing the desired key.
What might be even better is to make it work with two keypresses - the first one selects which note is being used as the tonic, offset from the top left of the keygroup as normal. The second press sets where that note will be and then the mode quits back to the most recent instrument. This way you can select this new mode, and then press twice as if you were 'picking up' the key layout and 'dropping' it in the desired location. How exactly it interacts with custom scales, courses, the stringer agents and any crazy non rectilinear keygroups I'm not sure, but it seems like it would do something vaguely intuitive even so.