The Alpha and Tau do actually already have accelerometers fitted, the signal is just not yet available as an output Port on the keyboard Agent. We plan to add this at some point this year (we've already had a play with it in test). In the Alpha's case it's not as useful as it would seem right now as the actual device is rather too near the middle of the instrument which reduces it's sensitivity to shaking when worn on a strap (it was fitted originally for vibration and shock monitoring in test, not as a performance feature) but in the case of the Tau it's at the bottom of the instrument and should be nicely useful when we enable it. We're going to move it on the Alpha to make it more sensitive when we respin the main processor board early next year.
We don't have any plans to add one to the Pico at the moment. There are several reasons for this, mainly that the internal electronics architecture doesn't have the capacity and needs some redesign to accommodate it., redesign that would mean changing one of the main silicon components which is often a costly exercise.