I think Martin, is talking about accessing via his pico, not stage.
as pointed out in my earlier post, the talker was broken in 2.0.74 factory setup for the pico - geert acknowledged this.
Martin, Ive just tested this on my pico with the factory setup and it works.
so not sure what going wrong, what i did was
a) Cut n' Paste each line separately - and press enter each time.
(ie. i dont try to get eigencommander to execute it all in one go)
b) the second statement goes from audio unit... all the way to the second do.
defintely cut n' paste, because its easy to get the second lines spacing wrong, or use the wrong type of quotes - they are important
basically the outer single quotes are required as the statement placed into the talker requires double quotes.
e.g. the talkers statement is:
" eigenbrowser , audio unit rig 2 instrument audio unit plugin browse " do
and to program it you need:
audio unit rig 2 talker hey ' a statement ' when 1 called 1 do
The EigenD reference says how to program the talker.
the 'browse' verb is a bit tricky, basically because it works off the two agents eigenbrowser (to tell it to browse something) and the audio unit plugin, to tell it that it request the plugin parameter to be 'browsed'
its a horrible bit of syntax/code
try again, and it should work...
ok, did again for a second time to check it wasn't just 'lucky', and it worked again for me.
(just so you know, before I did this I had pico standard setup loaded, started both eigenbrowser and eigencommand, then cut n pasted one line at a time)
btw, i assume you know eigenbrowser will still say instrument audio unit 1, because its instrument audio unit 1 in audio unit rig 1, but the browser doesn't include the later useful information ;o)