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Sounds: How about a modelled saxophone?

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written by: keyman

Think you should create a new topic for you're questions!

The factory setup files are in Program Files/Eigenlabs/release-.........( the one you're running)

User Setups go to user/...../My Documents/ Eigenlabs/"version you're running"/setups


written by: steveelbows

Sun, 29 Nov 2009 01:31:34 +0000 GMT

Ive had wind giving proper control, not just on/off, with audio units. I didnt do anything special, but I havent tried it with Kontakt so Im not sure what to advise.

As for Reaktor Silverwood, I havent tried it as an audio unit, rather I used pico in midi mode and then slightly modified the Silverwood patch so that it listened for breath on cc17. I will try it in AU mode and will report back with instructions on either doing it that way or using the midi method.

written by: steveelbows

Sun, 29 Nov 2009 02:13:01 +0000 GMT

OK I couldnt figure out how to make Reaktor work as an AU within EigenD properly as the parameter list contains hundreds of seemingly useless options when Reaktor is used. So I will recommend using pico as midi controller when wishing to use it with Reaktor.

The procedure:

Make sure you have at least one IAC virtual midi bus setup via OS X Audio Midi config utility.
Use the browser & pico to set EigenD to use the IAC midi port
Switch the pico to play instrument 8
Load reaktor and make sure it is set to listen to midi on the IAC bus
Load the SIlverwood patch into Reaktor
The Silverwood is listening for midi breath on a different midi cc to what the pico uses, so the patch needs slight modification, you only need to do this once and can then save the modified Silverwood:
In silverwood, look for the dropdown box labelled 'Air Source'.
Right-click on it and select 'Show in Structure'
You are now looking at the internals of the Silverwood patch
On the left there are 4 Controller patches below one called Air Source
Click on the second of the controller patches
We are going to change one of its properties so make sure you can see a window called Properties, press the icon in the toolbar that looks like a hand pointing at a card if you cannot see it.
Now in the property window click the icon that looks like some gears
In the midi section that appears, change the number in the controller/note box so that it says 17 instead of 2
Now press the toolbar icon that looks like some faders, to switch back to viewing the Silverwoods main controls.
Blow into the pico pipe and press some keys, you should now get a result.
Save Silverwood
If you see another control in Silverwood that you would like to control with the Pico, right click on it and select midi learn. Then use the appropriate controller on the pico, eg bending a key to the left.

written by: faye

Sun, 29 Nov 2009 02:05:25 +0000 GMT

Woo. OK, Reaktor works with Midi Out from the Pico if I change the controller for breath from 2 to 17. Bit of a palaver. Would be nice if what appear to be standard controller IDs were used. Now to solve the problem I have with Reaktor where the registration keeps crashing, so it's running in demo mode.

written by: faye

Sun, 29 Nov 2009 03:39:58 +0000 GMT

There's obsession, and there's Pico. I'd say that Silverwood & Pico make a superb team. If only I could reduce the finickiness of the fingering for the instruments - you have to attack the key still rather than just touching it as I'd expect with a wind instrument. I just filled up my senses with the flute though... very happy bunny.

written by: faye

Sun, 29 Nov 2009 13:16:57 +0000 GMT

The crashy registration was because I'd upgraded to the beta version of Flash. Going back to 10.0 it worked fine. Clearly you can peg controls to the mapping panel, the ambience module has all of its knobs exported there. I couldn't figure out for the life of me how to add any of the controls to that list, however.. but I was successful in adding a fader which would have provided another wind source, which I was hoping would have appeared in the list, but no. Needs the touch of a Reaktor expert I think (or for me to spend less time playing and more reading docs)

written by: steveelbows

Sun, 29 Nov 2009 15:20:56 +0000 GMT

Im not sure if the pico can tell you have pressed keys if you touch them really gently. Certainly when flipping through options with the pico keys, it doesnt know you have pressed a key unless you attack it slightly. But unlike when playing in instrument mode, it does read the key if you apply more pressure to it later, after initially touching it only lightly. Maybe its just a software issue and they are currently filtering out really low sensor levels from key pressing, or maybe the keys themselves dont register an exceedingly light touch. It doesnt really affect me personally as I tend to always hit the keys with a certain amount of attack anyway, but now you have mentioned it I can see why it could be an issue. Note that silverwood itself does not do anything with note velocity as far as i know, so once you hit a key hard enough to register at all and send a midi note to the instrument, quite how much harder you hit it doesnt affect sound. I do like how certain of the silverwood presets are setup to use pitch bend for vibrato, growling etc, which works quite well with the pico.

written by: faye

Sun, 29 Nov 2009 16:40:03 +0000 GMT

The clarinet model certainly operates in that fashion and doesn't require the keys to be tapped: just covering the key, as you would a hole in a wind instrument, is enough.

the midi in light glows even if you just caress the key, so I do believe the note is being transmitted, but the attack is too low for silverwood to register a change of stored note. There's definitely some magic going on, since the note change is triggered by each attack and the instrument will trigger the same note with repeated breathing without the key (or any key) being touched again. I'm wondering if it's the ST Gate being set to 0.85.. looking at the structure, it's hard to follow for someone new to this.

written by: steveelbows

Sun, 29 Nov 2009 17:16:49 +0000 GMT

Interesting. I used the following midi monitor software to investigate:

It looks to me like when you are pressing a key very gently it isnt sending a midi note on message at all, but rather modulation, pitch and note off messages.

written by: faye

Sun, 29 Nov 2009 17:22:16 +0000 GMT

I guess that goes on the wishlist for Eigenlabs then :D

Thanks for the tip.

written by: Lowdene

Mon, 30 Nov 2009 09:20:46 +0000 GMT

I already have Reaktor and have downloaded the Silverwood ens but for the life of me I can't get it to work with the breath control of the Pico. I'm getting the note info through from the Pico but not the breath control. Steve, have you got this to work?


written by: steveelbows

Mon, 30 Nov 2009 09:27:17 +0000 GMT

Yes, when using Pico in midi mode rather than loading Reaktor as an AU within EigenD. There are detailed instructions above for how to reconfigure Silverwood to listen to the breath on midi cc17 rather than what Silverwood is set to. Let me know if you are having problems.

written by: justbobpro

Thu, 25 Feb 2010 05:14:48 +0000 GMT

I used the custom setup but there is no release of the keys. So every note I play continues even after I release them and press other keys. It also continues playing after i switch instruments.

written by: justbobpro

Thu, 25 Feb 2010 05:18:08 +0000 GMT

It appears after resetting the software this issue has disappeared.

written by: mikemilton

Sat, 6 Mar 2010 02:31:45 +0000 GMT

whoa - not a lot of breath controller patches?? There are quite a few actually. From an AU perspective there are products like this []
and there are hundreds of good voices for the relatively in expensive, available, Yamaha VL70. Also, I have many many sounds for the VL1. I really think it is a mistake to use a cc other than 2 for breath as it adds a layer of effort in using this rich legacy.

Personally, I'd like (in the fullness of time) an interface to assign whatever controllers one would like to the various bits of the eigenharps but it would sure be nice to start with the norms.

Something like an interface where one could set the cc for key left, right, up, and down either separately or as a single controller with a (user defined) centerpoint. (and yes - similar settings for ribbon, and breath (both suck and blow - imagine the harmonica patches)

As an aside, the VL models make use of not just breath but breath attack (the rate of change) to control things like growl or embouchure in their patches.

What exciting potential this new controller holds!

written by: matspan

Thu, 8 Jul 2010 13:22:16 +0100 BST

The instructions for silverwood worked brilliantly and it definitely has a lot of potential!

For me though the keys are working really badly and often when I press it doesn't change the note. Does anybody have any idea why this is?

written by: gdorcival

Wed, 31 Aug 2011 20:08:48 +0100 BST

hello i'm a new user of pico, i try to insert custom pico 2 in my setup, i work on windows 7 pro and release 1.3.26, i have find setups in ressources/state and i put the custom pico in this file but i don't see him when i run eigend, if someone can help me, i have reaktor 5 and i want also to use breath controler with omnisphere.

written by: keyman

Fri, 2 Sep 2011 04:47:10 +0100 BST

Hope you having fun with you're PICO...
About the setups, the "normal way" they appear is in the LOAD WINDOW - "Factory Setups", relevant to each instrument alpha / pico / tau.
There's two for the PICO
1 - (Standard Setup)
2 - (4 VST Audio Unit and 4 Midi Out)

Maybe you can't "see" the loading window, try crl+W...
(don't need to dive in explorer dir's to find the setups)

Take some time around the FAQ/wiki, it will pay off!!
The Routing_Matrix is what configs all the controllers from the PICO to the VST's (there's a similar one for MIDI OUT)


written by: ChrisPenner

Sat, 3 Sep 2011 20:04:18 +0100 BST

i second the need for a saxophone model!

written by: mikemilton

Sat, 3 Sep 2011 20:52:16 +0100 BST

The Sax Brothers (or individual instruments) for Kontakt work reasonably well. Personally, I prefer the Yamaha PM hard-synths which seem to be better at articulation. They play as well with the 'harps as with the EWI or WX controllers except for the tight lip setting of the WX .

The vl70 would give you quite a few great sounds at a lower cost than Komplete + the libraries. If you end up with a VL1, I have quite a few tweaked sounds

written by: gdorcival

Sun, 4 Sep 2011 11:30:01 +0100 BST

Thank you keyman for tour answer, it's good with the matrix but i want to use the breath controller of the pico, in cubase 6, with pico as midi controller . And for the setup i want to know where are the files on m'y hard disk of the user setup and custom setup.

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