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Software: Leap Motion experiment with EigenD

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written by: MarkPowell

Very cool indeed! I looked at applying for a leap developer package, but decided I wouldn't have the time to do anything with it. I'm looking forward to the production release now though. What you're doing there reminds me of the device used by Phantom (, but with a tiny device rather than a huge plastic UFO.

written by: geert

Thu, 7 Feb 2013 19:54:39 +0000 GMT

Early this week I took a few hours to write an EigenD agent for the Leap. Currently it only supports sending out the x, y and z axis of two palms relative to the Leap device itself. The API is very intuitive and it shouldn’t take long to gradually add support for hand directions and fingers, I wanted to first play around with it for a while though.

In this experiment I control two effects in Native Instruments’ Guitar Rig 5. It’s processing one of my songs that’s playing from iTunes and you can hear the recorded result. I did have to manually align the audio to the video, so that might not be perfect.

This developer version of the Leap device supports a little bit less range and a restricted field of view, which is why it’s sometimes missing some detection at natural boundaries. The production versions will not suffer from this.

written by: MarkPowell

Thu, 7 Feb 2013 21:02:17 +0000 GMT

Very cool indeed! I looked at applying for a leap developer package, but decided I wouldn't have the time to do anything with it. I'm looking forward to the production release now though. What you're doing there reminds me of the device used by Phantom (, but with a tiny device rather than a huge plastic UFO.

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