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Sounds: Music for Eigenharp

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written by: NothanUmber

Thanks for sharing! Some nice pieces, there.
Especially liked "Down" and "Drone".

It's presumably hard to come up with pieces that show things "only possible" with an Eigenharp. And not having any built in sounds it does not have a "signature sound" either. (Perhaps live-playing of polyphonic music with elaborated individual expressions for each voice would qualify as "distinct" - being almost impossible otherwise - but really difficult to play. And then people need to see the player, otherwise they probably just think it's a multi-track recording...)
But the combination of breath instrument sounds and chord based things in some of your pieces are a hint for those who know the instrument that it *might* be an Eigenharp - the combo is not particularly easy to get right with only a keyboard or only a breath controller.


written by: Zygurt

Tue, 5 Feb 2013 11:31:59 +0000 GMT

Hi All,

It's been quite a while coming, but I've finally completed my latest album, which was written with full intention of being able to perform the pieces live.
It's currently free, and should continue to be. I only have 200 free downloads per month, but am happy to increase this should there be enough interest.

Let me know what you think.


written by: EdisonRex

Tue, 5 Feb 2013 19:15:27 +0000 GMT


I listened to your album online. I quite like what you did with the first and last tracks (For Piano and Pico in E, and Seventy-Two). LXX stands out as well - as you can see I was focusing more on the less uptempo ones. Nice to listen to and thanks for sharing it - I love to hear what other folks are doing.


written by: NothanUmber

Tue, 5 Feb 2013 20:33:26 +0000 GMT

Thanks for sharing! Some nice pieces, there.
Especially liked "Down" and "Drone".

It's presumably hard to come up with pieces that show things "only possible" with an Eigenharp. And not having any built in sounds it does not have a "signature sound" either. (Perhaps live-playing of polyphonic music with elaborated individual expressions for each voice would qualify as "distinct" - being almost impossible otherwise - but really difficult to play. And then people need to see the player, otherwise they probably just think it's a multi-track recording...)
But the combination of breath instrument sounds and chord based things in some of your pieces are a hint for those who know the instrument that it *might* be an Eigenharp - the combo is not particularly easy to get right with only a keyboard or only a breath controller.


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