When a plugin offers both AU and VST, which is preferable?
Ive been playing with Arturio Jupiter-8V, and TAL U NO LX v2 (juno emu), both of which are very nice, but they both have an issue, if you install both the VST and AU.
The reason being, is that the VST & AU have the same packaged classes (i know bad practice!),
so when EigenD loads them, it randomly chooses which... this then leads to a problem of getting blank AU GUI when hide/show. Or at least thats what it looks like to me given the logs and the fact that when I remove the VST all is okay.
So, I guess, I should just remove the one I dont use, so hence the question, is either VST or AU preferable if they supply both?
Also, a small change request :)
In eigenbrowser, can you please include the rig name when browsing, i couldnt understand why it kept saying browsing audio unit 1, when I was selecting the second AU....
then i checked in WB and found all audio units, in the 4AU/4MIDI setup, are called AU1... just they are in a different rig. Of course, i can rename them, but i guess really eigenbrowser should be using a FQN.