it's been a while, so nice to see everyone again, and let's start with a problem =))
it seems that all the action moved to workbench, which is OK and beautiful, but… paying for pico workbench to just tweak small things seems unreal and belcanto magic doesn't work anymore, as so much has changed in wiring - it's quite impossible to find out, what's where.
so… here is some questions/suggestions:
1. is there any way to dump/debug current wiring via belcanto?
2. maybe there could be a workbench-view-only option for those who did not get their hands on tau/alpha just yet? =)
3. clear manual or just more examples about triggering things would help, however with workbench around it's probably a waste of energy. but again, not really for the pico owners. we'll get the taus asap, I prommise.
so for the time being – the particular small one – please tell me how to make it work again without workbench:
adding an octave change (or any change) via external midi. worked like a charm on 1.4.x (with the "when 52 octave up" thing), stopped working completely on 2.x
and maybe a general question - why not to put those two octave changing notes in the midi chart by default? =>
that's for the starters of this particular coming back =)