Assuming that the Tau (or in case Alpha) is in C Chromatic, there is the possibility that the player can get used to the instrument in C Chromatic without having to change any musical layout and simply set the the lights of the keys playing the notes in the scale (say, A Major) to orange (or red) and the keys playing the notes in the chord (say, A Major) to green.
This seems like the best approach for me, as I wouldn't need to worry about setting up scales, just keep the instrument in C Chromatic. How would this be achieved?
I am thinking of some sort of setup. I would love to adapt my EigenChorder code to also handle the detection of a scale in MIDI (which will be output from Synfire Pro by Cognitone) so that the scale can be detected as well, but I'm stumped as to how to get the keys to light up for a particular scale and chord. I'm sure with the right belcanto commands it would be fairly simple, but is there a macro or a script to simplify this kind of action?