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Developers: Trigger a MIDI note on an event

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written by: MarkPowell

That's brilliant! Thanks very much indeed Keyman!


written by: MarkPowell

Sun, 17 Jun 2012 20:43:43 +0100 BST

I'm putting together a basic Max4Live template to allow me to trigger certain aspects of EigenD via my monome, plus start the Ableton looper, set the record on the relevant Live track, etc.

To show and allow selection of scales, I want to create a row of keys on the monome that show the current scale and allow me to swap from one to another by pressing the appropriate button, which will then light up to show the currently selected one. I can do the scale changes using a talker triggered by a MIDI note, but I ideally need to do the opposite to light the key. For example, if I press the button for the 3rd scale then it sets the 3rd scale in EigenD and lights the button.

To allow the lights on the monome to stay in step even if I change things directly from the instrument, is there a way to trigger a midi note that gets output when a scale or instrument is selected? Essentially it's the MIDI triggered talker in reverse.

Thanks in advance.

written by: keyman

Mon, 18 Jun 2012 00:34:37 +0100 BST

idea 1:

PICO - Activating two "selections" i.e. midi out (key16) and Scale Control (key 2) at the same time (something I remember doing with crazy results)

idea 2:

A more elaborate/contained solution - with workbench create a talker with several actions from one key press... (or edit/add one more action too the scale talker)

written by: MarkPowell

Mon, 18 Jun 2012 09:30:07 +0100 BST

Thanks Keyman. Option two looks like the most promising. I'll give it a try when I get a spare half hour.

written by: keyman

Mon, 18 Jun 2012 14:38:41 +0100 BST

... could not resist..

Creating a player agent and connecting it to midi rig 1, and further adding a new action to the global scale talker key1, key2 and so on..

belcanto for the new action

player 1 hey note x with velocity 100 play
(the x the note you would like)

.... one way to do the trick!!
(eager awaiting for the 2.0 goes stable)

written by: MarkPowell

Mon, 18 Jun 2012 18:42:32 +0100 BST

That's brilliant! Thanks very much indeed Keyman!


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