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General Discussion: Exploring the Eigenharp usine Workbench

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written by: mikemilton

Thanks so much, Paul

written by: mikemilton

Thu, 24 May 2012 15:00:25 +0100 BST

I just finished a free iBook about the Eigenharp. It is now available for iPads in the Apple bookstore.

With the advent of the Workbench tool in Eigenlabs version 2 software there is now a great way to explore the setups that configure the instrument visually.

While workbench is primarily a tool for creating setups, it can also provide deep insights into any existing setup.

One of the challenges for people who might be interested in an Eigenharp is that they are difficult to find in a retail setting and, even if you do, there is typically no knowledgable person to walk you through what the instrument is capable of.

My hope is that this free book will help in that regard.

Here is the link: Exploring the Eigenharp

written by: carvingCode

Thu, 24 May 2012 15:35:31 +0100 BST

Nice job, Mike! I'm sure this will turn out to be a valuable resource.


written by: dhjdhj

Thu, 24 May 2012 18:40:46 +0100 BST

Cool....downloading now. Given that it's free, any reason why you haven't made it available as a regular PDF for those who don't use iPads?

written by: dhjdhj

Thu, 24 May 2012 18:40:47 +0100 BST

Cool....downloading now. Given that it's free, any reason why you haven't made it available as a regular PDF for those who don't use iPads?

written by: mikemilton

Thu, 24 May 2012 19:30:07 +0100 BST

I've worked on a PDF but it gets very long when the interactives are decomposed into a series of static images and I'm thinking through how to maintain a context for the 'zoomed in' section.

Something will eventually emerge.

You won't find much of interest - at least nothing new to you - I'm afraid as it was more of pre-purchase thing to help people determine the nature and scope of the beast.

Feedback is most welcome, particularly if it contributes to an update. I've found a way to embed YouTubes and that might reduce the need to jump away from the book. Hopefully I can find a way to embed a PDF reader for the same reason. If I can embed web pages, I might include the WIKI. More appendices would be nice.

written by: EdisonRex

Thu, 24 May 2012 23:13:37 +0100 BST

I wish I'd had that book a couple weeks ago when I gave my talk in Asheville. ^_^ Really nicely done, Mike.


written by: mikemilton

Fri, 25 May 2012 01:45:00 +0100 BST

Thanks so much, Paul

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