Let me start by expressing my great appreciation for the amazing Eigenstaff who are so active on these boards and provide an unprecedented level of support for this unprecedented instrument.
And also for the instrument itself, which is the most sensitive instrument I've ever played and which I hope to one day master.
However, I'm playing less in the last week and a half, and that's because I realize that I won't be able to take this instrument out into the Real World for at least three months if not six... unless of course I step in and whine a bit. :-D
There are many classes of possible players for this instrument but certainly one is the professional or (like me) semi-pro musician who already has an existing musical world which this instrument is just one part of.
Unfortunately, the Eigensoftware does not yet play well with others. I was hoping to get a gander at the software and see what I could do to tweak that but that won't be till 2010 so thought I could give you a hint of what I'm thinking of.
Let's start with "scene changes" - when I need to change the sounds and tuning of the instrument.
In a lot of music I'm called upon to play, I simply don't have time to press a sequence of buttons to change scenes. On the WX-7 I play as my main instrument, I have five program changes literally under my thumb. A keyboard player could easily have a dozen under a fingertip.
The Eigenharp, living as it is entirely in software, could do a much better job. Oh, boy. But this is the subject of a later article... :-)
But I always seem to have some controller program like a sequencer running anyway, and so do it seems 75% of DJs these days.
For now, I'd simply setting for a totally stupid, generic incoming MIDI interface where I could just directly set the parameters with continuous controllers. If you use the MIDI fine controllers concept, you could get 14-bit resolution, but I'd like with the bad 7-bit control you could get from just one controller.
You need to do this anyway!
That alone would go a long way toward having the Eigenharp appear at my gigs - or anyone else who already used a sequencer.
There's the other known problem of "producing sound in other programs". The Jack solution is simply not good enough for prime time, particularly since the target machine has Snow Leper on it. The Jack mailing list is full of issues, some of which I have.
I know and sympathize that this a difficult problem, but there needs to be a way for the Eigenharp to just "pop up" in every major sequencer.
If I recall correctly, the AU plug-in you have is the way to go, right? But many manufacturers don't support the advanced feature that you are using?
So, since I'm telling you how to do your job :-D why not do the following... go to *one* big sequencer company like perhaps Ableton and send them a Pico - if they promise to fix this feature as soon as possible? They might melt if they had one in their hands...
(Ableton's in a big push right now and might be a good candidate as they're supporting alternate controllers. If you got it all together they'd certainly feature the Eigenharp in their promotional material!)
Thanks for reading and again my appreciation for the developers and the community.